Friday, November 29, 2013

35 weeks and counting.........

So here I am 35 weeks, and the count down is on at my last appointment this week, I am now a whooping 199lbs. and my BP is great 110/86 which I am so thankful for the Ultrasound tech has already remarked on her being at 5 1/2 lbs. at 34 weeks.
So at the doctor's visit I started my physical cervix checks and was shocked that after my C-section was scheduled. It was weird for me was that even though he never said I was dilated any he did go ahead to make sure the room and OR was secured for me also my due date is now December 30th it got pushed back one day, it seems they don't do surgeries on Sundays this is my assumption.

I relayed the news for IM who wasn't to keen that she has to wait another day I am trying not to be offended by it after all this isn't a birthday cake we are ordering. We did have a slight disagreement last month, because she was dead set on having the baby for Christmas and was even hinting towards an induction and it took the Dr. and the agency to tell her differently which led to a not contact period which we have had a lot of during this journey. And while it doesn't bother me immensely, it does sadden me I was looking for so much more contact with this journey. And I believed the words that were spoken I got that she would have been a little stand-offish in the early stages and then warmed up later on that didn't happen and there is nothing to be done but get ready for D-Day (delivery day) and move on to the next chapter.

After all this is as far as I am to go, no further does it hurt no sting maybe but when your motives and heart are clear as to why you became a surrogate in the first place, it's that much easier to move to the next step. My goal was to help a couple become parents, to assist  them in bridging that gap to make their life complete. As Madea says People come into our lives for a season..

Will post a new baby bump pic next week wouldn't you know I lost my photos when I fried my cell and was not able to retrieve them


  1. Getting close!! :) I'm dealing with a similar situation, contact wise and it makes me sad at times but is nice to not feel so overwhelmed and stressed by my IM. A little jealous you are almost done!

  2. Thanks I agree the same it's like a double edged sword with us isn't it. I am soo ready delivery wise If I didn't know better I would be thinking that I am in the early stages of labor. The pain and pressure in my lower back is unbelievable
