Thursday, September 19, 2013

Updates- Second Trimester

I am getting terrible at updating but my tablet makes me cringe when it comes to this lol, We had a barrage of tests for little munchkin, Along with me regular OBGYN visits and my MFM visits we were recommended to have a Fetal Echocardigram - why? because she is an active baby and does'nt keep still, they wanted better pictures of her heart. Well we got it and not only are there four perfect chambers but there is also the strongest heartbeat ever. We saw her sucking her thumb and were able to take a picture of it which I sent to my IP's. IM could'nt make it but hubby took the day off to come to the visit and it was great. I worry alot about her in between visits and am estactic when I hear her HB and see her on the US machine it eases my mind for IM who has come so far and has really come out of her shell and who released a lot of the tension and worry she was carrying around. I am coming to the end of My Second Trimester and moving so quickly into the Third I can't believe that last year we were transfering and expierenced a miscarriage and now day by day we are getting closer to bringing munchkin into this world. God moves mountains

Baby Bump shot

15 -18 weeks I can't remember I just though it would be nice to shoe my baby bump progression I shrae weekly shots with IM and IF to keep them connected :)

Me aty about 19-23 weeks and US pic of Little Munchkin