It's been officially two months since the miscarriage. I am back to normal or should I say my pre-pregnancy self all except for one thing my period still has yet to come arrgh.. but my RE is not worried he wants my body to return to itself naturally. Ok he's the expert I am guessing that he has a timeline as to when he'll induce so now it's just exercise lose weight which is coming along beautifully.
That's teh physical side of things on the more bonding side my Im has decided to step back and not attend visits or ultrasounds this go around she still wants email updates but not the task of everything else I found out that our recent loss was number 11 for them. it broke my heart while I was aware that it mor than 5 losses I had no idea it was that many. I am a little saddened but do understand the emotional toll it has taken on her. So my agency director and my case co-ordinator have stepped in to fill the void and take care of anything I might need and my hubby is making oplans to attned all appointments with me. I was looking for a more intimate journey this time but that will have to come on its own and in its own time so for now we just wait and get ready to start again.
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